White enamel, cedar wood, birch wood, pleather, red wax thread, nails, Ukiyo-e on handmade paper (Japanese woodblock)
18 x 30 inches

Maple, cedar, douglas fir, birchwood, acrylic, ash, mechanic rag, dyed cotton, rabbit skin glue, mechanic rag, nail, woodblock print on handmade paper.
36 x 32 inches

Raw pigment, fresco, cotton, sumi ink, poplar, cedar, copper, silkscreened graphite, Ukiyo-e on torinoko paper, plywood.
24 x 48 inches
*Cacophonous Memories

Maple wood, birch wood, enamel, parrot feather, mechanic rag, pebble, copper wire.
18 x 24 inches

Woodblock on torinoko paper, plywood, roofing nail, cedar wood, oak wood, dyed cotton, rabbit skin glue, red thread, black thread, roofing nail, plastic bag, leather, zip ties, spray paint.
26 x 50 inches

Cedar wood, maple wood, silkscreen, natural and synthetically dyed cotton, woodblock on hand-made paper, copper, aluminum.
16” x 52”

Maple wood, mechanic rag, cedar, acrylic, fresco on insulation foam, graphite and charcoal.
16” x 43.5”
*To navigate underwater

Poplar wood, acrylic, roofing nail, twine, copper, fresco on marine plywood
16” x 45”
*I don’t turn yellow, yellow is my color

We've arrived*
Charcoal on douglass fir wood, oak wood, roofing nail, woodblock on handmade paper, black thread, fresco on marine plywood, naturally dyed cotton.
27 x 72 inches

Poplar wood, enamel, handmade paper, graphite, naturally dyed cotton, silkscreen, nail, red thread.
21” x 60”

Plywood, sumi, acrylic, glass beads, rabbit skin glue, cotton handkerchief, gold leaf, birchwood, woodblock print on torinoko handmade paper.
18 x 32 inches

Sumi, plywood, woodblock print on torinoko handmade paper, soot, oak, fresco fragment, mechanic rag, copper, woodchip.
8 x 10 inches

Sumi, plywood, woodblock print on torinoko handmade paper, mechanic rag, copper.
8 x 10 inches

Raw pigment, silkscreen on Marble Fresco panel, bent steel, Arrichio fresco on Poplar woodframe, Mechanic Rag, 2015, 70 x 50.5 inches

oak, cotton handkerchief, silkscreen, fresco, 65 x 10.5 inches

Raw pigment, silkscreen on marble fresco on foam panel
9 x 12 inches

Raw pigment, silkscreen on marble fresco on foam panel
9 x 12 inches

woodblock print on hand made paper, copper, thread, silkscreen, cotton, roofing nails, graphite, acrylic on plywood
48 x 48 inches

Woodblock handmade paper, naturally dyed cotton, slate, cement on plywood, leather, cotton handkerchief, plastic zip ties, copper nails, plasti-kap, xerox , carbon print, graphite on drywall
48 x 96 inches

woodblock on handmade paper, plywood, xerox, graphite, table napkin, roofing nail, plasti-kap, mechanic rag, parrot feathers, oil paint
36 x 24 inches

Punctured wall, Thread, silkscreen on Cotton fabric, masonry nail, wood, sumi ink, woodcut block, roofing nail, mechanic rag, Plasti-kap, oil paint, graphite on xerox
36 x 72 inches

White enamel, cedar wood, birch wood, pleather, red wax thread, nails, Ukiyo-e on handmade paper (Japanese woodblock)
18 x 30 inches
Maple, cedar, douglas fir, birchwood, acrylic, ash, mechanic rag, dyed cotton, rabbit skin glue, mechanic rag, nail, woodblock print on handmade paper.
36 x 32 inches
Raw pigment, fresco, cotton, sumi ink, poplar, cedar, copper, silkscreened graphite, Ukiyo-e on torinoko paper, plywood.
24 x 48 inches
*Cacophonous Memories
Maple wood, birch wood, enamel, parrot feather, mechanic rag, pebble, copper wire.
18 x 24 inches
Woodblock on torinoko paper, plywood, roofing nail, cedar wood, oak wood, dyed cotton, rabbit skin glue, red thread, black thread, roofing nail, plastic bag, leather, zip ties, spray paint.
26 x 50 inches
Cedar wood, maple wood, silkscreen, natural and synthetically dyed cotton, woodblock on hand-made paper, copper, aluminum.
16” x 52”
Maple wood, mechanic rag, cedar, acrylic, fresco on insulation foam, graphite and charcoal.
16” x 43.5”
*To navigate underwater
Poplar wood, acrylic, roofing nail, twine, copper, fresco on marine plywood
16” x 45”
*I don’t turn yellow, yellow is my color
We've arrived*
Charcoal on douglass fir wood, oak wood, roofing nail, woodblock on handmade paper, black thread, fresco on marine plywood, naturally dyed cotton.
27 x 72 inches
Poplar wood, enamel, handmade paper, graphite, naturally dyed cotton, silkscreen, nail, red thread.
21” x 60”
Plywood, sumi, acrylic, glass beads, rabbit skin glue, cotton handkerchief, gold leaf, birchwood, woodblock print on torinoko handmade paper.
18 x 32 inches
Sumi, plywood, woodblock print on torinoko handmade paper, soot, oak, fresco fragment, mechanic rag, copper, woodchip.
8 x 10 inches
Sumi, plywood, woodblock print on torinoko handmade paper, mechanic rag, copper.
8 x 10 inches
Raw pigment, silkscreen on Marble Fresco panel, bent steel, Arrichio fresco on Poplar woodframe, Mechanic Rag, 2015, 70 x 50.5 inches
oak, cotton handkerchief, silkscreen, fresco, 65 x 10.5 inches
Raw pigment, silkscreen on marble fresco on foam panel
9 x 12 inches
Raw pigment, silkscreen on marble fresco on foam panel
9 x 12 inches
woodblock print on hand made paper, copper, thread, silkscreen, cotton, roofing nails, graphite, acrylic on plywood
48 x 48 inches
Woodblock handmade paper, naturally dyed cotton, slate, cement on plywood, leather, cotton handkerchief, plastic zip ties, copper nails, plasti-kap, xerox , carbon print, graphite on drywall
48 x 96 inches
woodblock on handmade paper, plywood, xerox, graphite, table napkin, roofing nail, plasti-kap, mechanic rag, parrot feathers, oil paint
36 x 24 inches
Punctured wall, Thread, silkscreen on Cotton fabric, masonry nail, wood, sumi ink, woodcut block, roofing nail, mechanic rag, Plasti-kap, oil paint, graphite on xerox
36 x 72 inches